Bungie Wiki
This person is a former Bungie Employee

File:Jaime griesemer.jpg

Jaime Griesemer is a video game designer and a senior employee at Bungie Studios. He served as a designer for Halo: Combat Evolved and a design lead for Halo 2.

Jaime is responsible for much of the vehicle design in Halo 2.


Jaime got his start by co-creating a fansite for Myth. Jamie and his friend Ferrex co-web mastered The Myth Codex, a fairly comprehensive Myth and Myth II site. He met Max, Bungie’s webmaster, through the Codex and since he lived in Chicago they hired him to come in part-time and do some in-house testing on Myth II.

After Myth II shipped he just kept coming in to work. He was the Head Bungie.net Administrator for a little while, and then Jason Jones asked him to join the Halo team.

I definitely didn’t anticipate this chain of events when I started my first fansite, The Myth Grimoire. I was planning to go to grad school for theoretical physics, but I’m extremely happy with how things worked out. Bungie is a great company and the work environment here really encourages people to take on as much responsibility as they feel they can handle. I was really lucky to end up here.

In 2010, Jaime left Bungie leaving a status on his Linked In profile as a "retired" game designer.


  • He is responsible for the Easter Egg in Halo: Combat Evolved, Megg. This was the final egg found in the game, almost two years after release.
  • Jaime's official Bungie biography says "Coming Soon." He comes from Park Forest, IL, and currently lives in Seattle, WA. He has three younger brothers, Josh, Jared, and Jordan, and is a genius in game design.


Bungie.net - Meet the Team

Bungie Employees
Grizzled Ancients Jason JonesRobt McLees (harangue-utan)Marcus LehtoDave Dunn (Johnny Wad)Charlie Gough (Chucky)Paul Clift (Gymnopædia)Shi Kai Wang (Shiek)Paul Russel (Doctor Abominable)Joseph Staten (Deckard)Jaime GriesemerLorraine McLees (mehve)Ben Wallace (Milo)Stefnizle (Modem)Christopher Barrett (Barry)Chris Butcher (Butcher)Paul Bertone Jr. (bert)Marty O'Donnell (Marty the Elder, Lance)Curtis CreamerMichael Wu (Wu)Eric Arroyo (-)stephen daly (unkindfiber)Tom Gioconda (Achronos)